¿Who calls me from +34 875201873?
Province: Soria
Telephone Type: Fijo
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Last Search: 2025-02-22 09:34:28
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Dont ask yourself if you dont know who calls you by phone. Write a comment and tell us about your problem with the number +34(875) 201-873. We will help you to know this and how to hold your names forever. We have a large community of users who will help you. We count on more than 1 million telephone spam numbers identified thanks to our users: IT experts, abogados or simple Internet users.
Numbers consulted recently:
979643277, 876360584, 942640258, 947292773, 977597862, 981932333, 845419516, 864113872, 838691785, 984123021, 975435788, 981207450, 936271868, 851870335, 943533056, 864217178, 932633817, 848570399, 886445768, 860464304, 873406754, 946578736, 947229064, 841485413, 920678881, 949523059, 888968038, 988372210, 943200014, 814415137National Calls:
National phone numbers in Spain consist of 9 digits and are divided between landlines and mobile phones. For landlines, the number begins with 9 or 8, followed by a specific telephone code or prefix for each province. For example, numbers in Madrid start with 91 or 81, those in Barcelona with 93 or 83, and so on. Mobile phone numbers do not have a common geographic prefix.
Emergency services, such as 112 for general emergencies, 091 for police, and 061 for ambulances, have common numbers throughout the country. Additionally, there are services like Citizen Attention (010 or 012) and Traffic Information (011), both three-digit numbers providing information on various topics.
Some phone numbers are subject to special rates. For example, numbers starting with 900 are free for the receiver, while those starting with 901 have a low shared cost between the caller and the receiver. Numbers starting with 902 have a cost for the caller, and numbers 905, 907, 803, 806, and 807 have high rates and are commonly used for erotic lines, gambling, professional services, contests, televoting, among others.
Calls from Abroad:
To call Madrid from outside Spain, dial the international prefix (00) or (+), followed by the national code (34) and then the subscriber number, whether mobile or landline.
Example: +34 700 000 000
Calls Abroad:
To make international calls from Spain, dial the international prefix 00, followed by the country code, the area number (if applicable), and finally the subscriber number.
Example: 49 for Germany, 44 for the United Kingdom, 39 for Italy, 33 for France, 11 or 19 for the United States, 16 for Canada, etc.
Useful Phone Numbers in Spain: Emergencies: Police, fire, emergency medical services: 112
Roadside Assistance: RACE (Royal Automobile Club of Spain): 900 100 992
Information on COVID-19 in Spain: General information telephone number for COVID-19: 900 400 061
Citizen Attention: Citizen Attention Telephone: 060
Assistance with Mental Health Issues: Telephone of Hope: 717 003 717
Gender Violence: Women’s Telephone: 016 (Does not appear on the phone bill)
Legal Advice: Local Bar Association
Poisoning Assistance: National Institute of Toxicology: 91 562 04 20
Tourist Information: TURESPAÑA: 91 343 35 70
Debt Assistance: Customer service of your bank